Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2+2= -1

This isn't mine but I had to share it.

A lecture about English

A linguistics professor was lecturing to his English class one day.
"In English," he said, "A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."

A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Nerf Wars

Okay, thank you Ashley for bugging me for not having uploaded any Nerf War photos yet and reminding me that a posting is past due. I've been a bit preoccupied the last couple of weeks, and I'm a bit absent minded to begin with. So here is the one and only photo I took at what was truly an epic Nerf War. It must have lasted close to three hours and darts were flying everywhere.

I had brought the camera with the idea of possibly shooting some photos of the event but when it came time to get down and dirty my hands were busy. I brought two single action guns with me and so even when I wasn't double fisting it I needed the extra hand to constantly reload my gun for the next shot. Jenny's place has proven its self to be the ideal place for such events as there was plenty of cover and multiple rooms to hide and snipe in.

I spent a bit too much time crouching behind cover that day and felt it big time for the next three. I was completely sore and stiff. It took far too much effort to sit down let alone stand back up again.

The only reason I even got this photo was that I had been taking a bit of a beating from both Justin and Dayna (who was getting way too many head shots) and I needed a good offensive strategy to make a quick run and gun attack that would enable me to get a couple good shots in while throwing off their aim. I the realized that I could use my camera flash as a sort of flash bang grenade which has the purpose of stunning the opponent with blinding, unexpected light. It sort of worked. You'll notice that Justin is not shooting at me yet and Dayna has yet to even take aim at me and I managed to hit my target.

That was a fun day. I need more Nerf.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

By George

People keep saying I look like George Lucas. I don't see it.

Random Sketch 001

Just a quick sketch from earlier today.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Brief Update

One more brief update. I'm back on a full time production schedule for my film and I am currently working on background layouts. I've backpedaled a bit having originally planned it as a 3D animated short and am now on a traditional 2D rout. So I'm experimenting with different materials to use for the backgrounds. I will be using a dry medium like charcoal or conte on one of three different papers which will be touched up digitally. I've got a week to make up my mind and then another three to four to produce most, if not all my backgrounds, at which point I'll be animating. So I'll be posting some background tests sometime next week.

Also, I'll most likely be posting some photos early next week of this weekends Nerf War. If I can manage to shoot with my camera and my Nerf guns at the same time.

Strummin' Along

They say hobbies are important for your health. They help to reduce stress, clear the mind, and can prevent murderous rampages. I'm making a profession out of my favorite, animation/filmmaking, so that can no longer be considered a hobby for me as it now comes with deadlines and reviews and the occasional need to throw out weeks of work to start over again. It's a lot of fun and that can help keep stress levels below that of say, a surgeon so I could never look at my career with a glass-half-empty point of view. It's something I love to do and even the worst it can get couldn't be as bad as say, estate planning so I won't ever get bored with it. And every new job/assignment is actually new and different from the last.

So I have had to look away from animation for hobbies but then I always had a few of them anyway. I like to play video games, watch movies/tv, read, draw/sketch (different from animate), and take random photographs including stupid self-portraits of me being immature. I've also recently picked up an old one that I started nearly ten years ago, the ukulele. I grew up in a musical family and had a talent for music but I no longer have a trumpet and a tuba would be too heavy and awkward to carry around so I'm strummin' on a ukulele I picked up in Hawaii. So I have permanently cemented my reputation in place and I will never be taken seriously again. I may have out grown Toy's R Us, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still a Toy's R Us kid.

Oh that's right, I've one more hobby. One of my favorites too. Nerf wars.