Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lifestyles of the Rich and Tasteless

You wont believe this but I just got home from an LA fashion show. You wont believe this either but I wasn't the worst dressed person there. You may not even believe that it was actually kind of fun. I went to assist the house videography crew "Oh Rio! Productions"
( ) shoot the show and gave myself the title "The Better Boy Grip." Some of you will get that, some will not. We met a few celebrities there and while the big name of the evening was Mandy Moore we also spent a fair amount of time with one of the coolest celebrities ever, Aimee Garcia. If you ever watched the George Lopez show whe played Veronica in the later seasons. It was great fun chatting with her and whitnessing one of the wonders of world culture that is fashion. It's almost as bizzar as I had imagined it to be. I have no photos to share because I didn't have my camera with me. I didn't think that I would be able to use it but I learned that I could have and as I sat in the photo pit durring the show I could have gotten some great shots of scarry clothes on bony models. Next time I'm bringing it. I don't believe I just said "next time."


Hillary Richards said...

I can't believe you went to a fashion show and that you didn't take your camera! Can't wait to hear all about it at Disneyland.

Unknown said...

So cool! I would be afraid to accidentally touch one of the models and have them shatter into a million pieces! They look so breakable.